Sunday, March 19, 2017

Sweet Six Sunday

Another fun week in the Joehl household! I was thinking a lot about home this week and searching for fun camps and activities for our family this summer, which made me a bit more homesick than usual. We have some fun visitors coming in a week though and before we know it, we will be heading back to MN mid-June.  We can make it!

one.  Daddy was traveling for work on Thursday to Friday, so I pulled out all activities possible to keep us busy during the day! We had fun putting the Easter decorations up! Welcome Spring!

two. I have had a major focus this week on increasing my steps each day with a goal of 10k steps each day.  I had a light bulb moment the other week about how inactive I am during my days, even if I get a workout in.  As we live in the suburbs, we still drive almost everywhere, especially with the cold weather.  Our house is also smaller than our old house and the kids school is a house as well, so we park in the driveway.  The stores that I frequent are also smaller and let's be honest, there are a lot less hours in my week walking the aisles of Target here! :) Even with a 40 minute walk and a workout in a day, I still struggled to get to 10k steps.  I will continue to focus on it! Please send any fun suggestions my way!

three. I was pretty lax this year with the sneaky leprechaun tricks, and the kids didn't even notice! We enjoyed Lucky Charms for breakfast ($9 a box here) and wore some green clothing! Done!

four.  I cannot remember if I have explained this before or not, so please excuse my repetition if I have.  Most adult movies in Poland are in English and have Polish subtitles.  Since little kids cannot read the subtitles, most children's movies are dubbed over in Polish, therefore our kids couldn't understand them.  There is a kind woman here in Poland that arranges special showings for children's movies in English and we have gone to everyone of them.  Friday night we brought the kids to Beauty and the Beast (Piękna i Bestia).  As Andy and I have most of the animated movie memorized, we loved that they kept a lot of the same key lines and songs, but also added in some new scenes.  Besides the scary wolves, the kids loved it too!

Reese stood most of the movie so she could easily
duck down during the scary parts!

five. "Wall Ball" started this week for Beckett and Andy with a clinic on Saturday. I am not sure who was more excited - Andy or Beckett - but they were both all smiles and giddy as can be! We pulled out the gloves and whiffle balls and practiced in our house two days prior to the clinic!

Andy and Beckett headed off to the clinic, while Reese and I went to gymnastics, and then we joined the boys with about a half hour left in the clinic.  Beckett's group is meant for 5-6 year olds, so he is the youngest.  Besides a few breakdowns because he didn't get a ball, he did really well.

Beckett and his new friend, Leo!

The entry hallway at the American School of Warsaw.
A flag representing all of the students' countries.

The only hang up is that we just realized that Beckett's group (5-6 year olds) is from 2:30-3:30 on Saturday afternoons, which is during nap time...such a sacred time in our house. :)

six. I got the craving for Tuna Noodle Casserole this week - probably due to being homesick - and it wasn't as good as it is in the States, but still pretty darn good.  It satisfied my craving!

As you can see, Reese was a fan!

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