Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sweet Six Sunday!

With our visitors gone, we resumed normal activities this week!

one. Dinner out at Vilanova on Tuesday night
Most of our weeks are wide open these days, which is such a shift for us from our life in the US.  After realizing that we didn't have any plans Monday-Friay at night, we planned a dinner out at a cute little Italian restaurant that we found, when Andy's parents where here - Vilanova.  It not only has delicious food, but has a fun kid area that keeps our kiddos busy and gives us some time to have an adult conversation.  

Soup-eating, "freeze-gun" shouting little girl!
two. Book swap and Ikea
Wednesday morning had us out the door early so that I could go to the American School of Warsaw (ASW) book swap.  Students and staff can bring in a new/used book and receive a ticket to get another book.  If you didn't have any tickets, the cost of the books/movies/magazines/games was 5pln = $1.25.  What a steal! I met my friend, Tiffany, at the montessori after drop off and found some great new books for the kids.  We can never have too many books!

First ones at school, which means the teachers were both downstairs and
I got my first goodbye kisses out the window!

I then headed to Ikea, which is about a 35 minute drive from our house, on a two lane road the entire way.  Andy HATES going to Ikea and it is too hard to shop with the two kids with me, so I took one for the team and ventured out.  My main purchase was a table for the kids' dollhouse.  It used to sit on the floor, behind the playroom door and the kids just didn't love playing with it on the floor as it got knocked around.  I got this large coffee table for $30 and raised it up.  I am happy to report that they have been playing with it every day since. 

three. Pirate's life for us!
We have been living the pirate's life all week long! Pirate costumes, pirate ship and even pirate money! While making dinner this week, the kids requested a pirate ship.  Yes, they wanted a pirate ship stat! When they didn't like my quick solution of laundry baskets, daddy arrived home and saved the night! Within 15 mins, we had a pirate ship with skull and crossbones sail, a cannon and even a rope that connected the treasure chest to the back of the ship (so that their enemies wouldn't find their treasure).  Love their creativity! We then ventured to Tesco the next day to get pirate costumes (in stores now for Carnival) and made some pirate money! 

The "rope" connecting the treasure box to the ship!
Laminated and ready to be cut!
Our cute little pirates!

four. Curry Goodness
A couple weeks ago, we had a DELICIOUS curry lunch at a playdate and I have been dreaming about it ever since.  After getting the recipe and collecting all the ingredients (sure is a lot of spices), I made it this week and it was a family pleaser! 

Recipe found here:

Changes I made - I doubled the recipe as I used 2lbs of chicken, 5 medium potatoes and two sliced carrots.  I also made the garam masala from ingredients that I already had in the house, and used peanut butter instead of cashew paste.  

We were so excited to eat it that I forgot to take a pic until
dinner was over and it was ready to go in the fridge for leftovers!

five. The Little Gym
We signed up for a free introductory class at a cute gym here called The Little Gym.  They not only have a great area where the classes are held, but also a fun sitting and play area for parents and siblings.  Reese's first class was on Saturday and Beckett's will be on the 7th.  It amazes me that these instructors conduct the class in both Polish and in English, without losing the attention of the little ones.

Big brother cheering her on with his toolbox and purse!
We weren't supposed to take pics while they were in class, but I snuck a couple!

six. Day date and dinner at the Blackburn's
Saturday we had our lovely babysitter, Justyna, come at 1pm so that we could have a date day before heading over to our friends' house for dinner.  We started off at the gym and then did some shopping! We got a couple pairs of boots, a new purse and new Wayfarers! Then we headed over to Robin and Blaine's for a delicious dinner and a fun game of Cards Against Humanity! 
Wayfarers on, baby!

It was another great week in Poland!

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