Thursday, January 12, 2017

Christmas 2016 - First Christmas in Poland!

Our Christmas this year definitely looked different than any Christmas we had before, but we were embracing the change and making the most of it!

We spent Christmas Eve with our good friends, Tiffany and Bill, and their daughters, Avery and Addison! We somehow missed a family shot or a group shot, but got a couple cute ones of the kids! Such a fun night!

After dinner, we rushed home to put out cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer.  Beckett also wanted to write Santa a letter. :)  We said goodbye to Hot Sauce and Girl and then read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas for our bedtime story.  Beckett was BEGGING to go to bed so that Santa would come more quickly. Ha!

We also got a special message from Santa letting them know that he was on his way!

The next morning, we woke up with very excited children and saw that Santa came!!!

Waiting patiently to go downstairs!

Opening their Lost Their Names books from Nana & Papa!

Reese got this for a present, but wanted NOTHING to do with it! Beckett was brave and put it on!
Reese's new baby doll, Ruby!
Purse, baby doll and pet carrier! This is how we travel!
Daddy giving big hugs after opening his artwork from the kids!
Kisses from Miss Reese after I opened their beautiful jewelry boxes that they painted for me!

We enjoyed opening presents slowly, with no place to go, and put the toys together as we went.   It was a great morning! Before naps, we headed outside for a quick walk/bike ride to enjoy the "warm" weather!

We had a very simple, but yummy Christmas dinner, FaceTimed with the families, sang Happy Birthday to Jesus and let the kids watch a Christmas movie while we got last minute things together for our trip to Disneyland!

FaceTiming with family! Boy did we miss them!

We hope you all had a great Christmas, and a happy and healthy start to 2017!

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