Sunday, February 5, 2017

Sweet Six Sunday!

A little bit of everything this past week!

one. Cleansing
I started the week off by hitting the reset button.  My body was begging me for a nutritional cleanse - I was a little bloated, woke puffy in the morning and just feeling blah - so Sunday and Monday I cleansed.  If you have never cleansed before, you MUST give it a try! I filled my body with aloe vera, bilberry, blueberry, ashwagandha, raspberry, fennel, Siberian ginseng, peppermint leaf, turmeric and more, PLUS had chocolates! It gives my body the ability to flush out toxins, reduce the bloat and sugar cravings, and clears up my mind fog! Yes please!

two. The Best, Softest Chocolate Chip Cookies
The best way to not eat a lot of cookies, or the batter, is to make the cookies on your last night of cleansing! I saw this recipe on a blog that I follow - House of Smiths - and since we received chocolate chips when Gayle and Steve were in town, we were all set! No, they do not sell Nestle chocolate chips here in Poland.  

The cookies were a BIG hit! Give them a try!

three. Valentine's Day Project
Valentine's Day in Poland is quite different than it is in the US.  No red and pink aisles of fun heart decorations or rows of Valentine's cards for your sweeties.  I have actually not seen a single heart or Valentine Day decoration here - not even at Ikea.  SO, I had to get creative when I wanted to add some heart decor to our already existing collection - and these button hearts were perfect!

I collected random buttons that I had and some jewelry wire!

I then laid out the buttons into two hearts!

Then I wired these together - a lot harder than I thought they would be.
I recommend using larger buttons as the wire would break when I tried to wire little buttons.
Add a little baker's twine or ribbon to it and voila! 

four. American Clinic of Warsaw
We had our first pediatric appointment this week at the American Clinic in Warsaw.  Reese has been complaining of a bellyache for the last couple of months, so we thought we would get it checked out.  She usually only brings it up when she is in trouble, or isn't getting her way, or when she wants her nuk, so we don't know how much truth there is to it, but just in case, we thought we should have it looked at.  "My belly really hurts!"

We first tried to go to the clinic on Thursday morning.  When we took a tour of the clinic a couple months ago, we were told that there was a pediatrician on staff every day, so we didn't make an appt.  When we showed up, we were told that they were between pediatric doctors and the new doctor's first day was Friday, so we returned at 8:30am on Friday morning.

After reviewing food allergies and discussing her diet and bowel movements, we were told to boil our milk before Reese drinks it (not going to happen) and to eliminate sweets (we will definitely reduce, but most likely not eliminate completely).  We also scheduled a urine test and abdominal scan this coming Thursday.  Please send prayers that they find nothing, and that it truly is just a phrase that Reese says when she is upset and isn't getting her way! 

Exam room

Our pediatrician - I have NO idea what her name is.

Cute little kid play area

Front desk
five. Pokeno
Thursday night was another fun Pokeno night at Robin's! We had a smaller group - only 8 of us - so it was a lot less rushed to get through all the rounds and we had more time for chatting! :) Lots of laughs - just what this girl needed! And I walked away with two new lotions! 

six. Ice Skating with our Polish friends
On Saturday morning, we met up with our Polish friends for some ice skating and lunch! It was the kids' first time ice skating!!! And as you can see from the pics below, the kids were not thrilled with the ice skating and I was only able to get a few pics - I actually didn't even get one with Beckett on skates! Both of the kids refused to use the penguin helpers and only wanted to skate with Andy.  Beckett wanted to just go out there and skate - "I just want to do it myself and be able to skate!" Well bud, it doesn't work like that for most kiddos.  This led to a lot of frustration and dramatic, intentional falls to the ice.  I think we were out there for maybe 5 to 10 minutes.  

We then headed to lunch for some coloring, piano playing, dancing on the stage and adult conversation! 

Heading to the rink through the park!

She literally just stood up and was already whining. 

Coloring at lunch with Vicky! So much happier!
Michal playing the piano with Beckett

We are now wrapping up the weekend working on taxes - that are due tomorrow! We are almost done! Wish us luck!

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