Sunday, February 12, 2017

Our first visitors!

We had our first visitors!!! Gayle and Steve - Andy's parents - visited us in January!

We had another Christmas in January -

We ate and drank A LOT -

We went to see the movie, Sing, in English -

We took many family photos - 

Mia and Deac spent lots of time with the kiddos -

Gayle and I shopped for Polish pottery (and spent a lot of money) -

We explored Old Town and warmed up in a little coffee shop - 

We both bought a wooden Santa from this local artist!

We had an adults' night out at Hala Koszyki -

Gayle trying to open her eyes after only one drink - one strong drink! Ha!

We ate at a traditional Polish restaurant, Stary Dom -

Smalec - Polish pork lard spread 
Chef making tar tar



We showed Mia and Deac the kids' school -

The kids got lots and lots of hugs -

It was a great visit, that went by way too fast! Thanks Gayle and Steve for bringing so much love to Poland with you!

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