Monday, September 17, 2018

Gnome Hunting in Wrocław!

When we moved to Poland, Cargill set up a cultural training meeting for us with a man named, Radek, who was from Wrocław.  He encouraged us to visit Wrocław as soon as we could as he thought we would really like it.  We unfortunately didn't get there our first year, so we added it to our must see list this year and headed there in March.

Wrocław is the largest city in Western Poland and took us about 3.5 hours to get to via car.  It is a university city with over 100k students, which gave it a younger feel - one of our favorite parts of Poland!

Let the adventure begin!
Miraculously we fit three carseats in the backseat!
KFCs are all over Poland

This bridge was build for animals to travel over - there is no road.

Loved the countdown next to the light

Our home for a couple nights!
We brought the baby! ;)
The best toilet seat cover I have ever seen! ;)

We arrived late afternoon, so we headed out to explore and find a place to eat dinner!
The kids loved the bubble creators in the market square!
Wrocław's market square was beautiful!
With every trip, we consumed a lot of ice cream!

Our favorite attraction in Wrocław were the gnomes! The gnomes commemorate the Orange Alternative - a Polish anti-communist movement - the gnome/dwarf figure was the movements symbol.  The first five appeared in 2005 and each year many gnomes are added to the collection.  The count is currently over 400! The entire family LOVED exploring the city and spotting these cute figures around the town! It was the first time that the kiddos didn't complain about walking on one of our trips - they were quick to run from gnome to gnome!

We found our first gnome!!!
I can never get enough of the building colors in the various market squares!

Water Park
We headed out to the Aquapark early on Saturday morning and these two were thrilled!!
First time in a swimsuit for this cutie!
This girl and her snacks!
There was a wave pool section!
Elsie and I lounged on the side so she could snooze!

Beckett didn't nap, so they headed out to adventure while I held down the fort.
Headed back to the Market Square to adventure some more!
More gnome hunting!
Andy loves to take B and buy the girls in our family flowers when we are vacations like this!
The flower stands are everywhere!
Check out Reese's pose!

Day #3 - Sunday
Traditional elevator pic!
This girl was a trooper!
Pretending to be on a train!
Heading out to explore a local park!
Futbol in the park!! So European!
Our last dinner out at Bernard's!
Eating soup, while holding a sleeping baby! Ha!
We watched Gnomeo and Juliet to go along with the weekend gnome theme!
Day #4 - Heading Home
Thankfully the rain held out until our last day!
Some of our fun purchases fro Wrocław!

A collection of the gnomes we found!

Overall an incredible trip! I sure hope we make it back to Wrocław again before we leave Poland!

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