Monday, May 28, 2018

Mia & Papa Deac Visit

Andy's parents, who are known lovingly in our home as Mia and Papa Deac, visited us two days after Christmas for almost two weeks! Their time here flew by, but we sure did fit in a lot of fun activities and incredible memories!

Mia meeting Elsie!
Papa Deac's turn to meet the little lady!

They brought US products and gifts!

Gifts for Elsie from the Gieroks!
And this beautiful sweater and bonnet from Great Aunt Paula!
Christmas presents galore!
Gayle made amazing Eye Spy blankets for both of the kiddos!

The kids did a lot of activities with Mia and Papa Deac - puzzles, crafts, Hatchimals, & Legos!

We went to the Warsaw Zoo - our first time!

We drank lots of coffee!

We got in a lot of snuggles with this cutie!

Andy and I got to take Reese out on a breakfast date - just the three of us!

We went to Old Town to see the Christmas lights!

We went pottery shopping - Andy's first time!

We celebrated New Year's Eve!
The confetti poppers were a hit!
Fireworks are a fun tradition on NYE in Poland!

We went to a Lego exhibit!

We celebrated Andy's birthday!
Best cake decorators around!
The way to this man's heart - flashlights!!!

Due to the great weather, we also went to the park!

Silly times!

Movie nights!

Last bedtime books and goodbye hugs - 

What a great trip!!! See you this summer!!

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