Sunday, April 2, 2017

Sweet Six Sunday - E & Shannon Visiting

one. We had visitors arrive last Sunday!!! Eric and Shannon arrived just before nap time on Sunday and stayed with us until early Saturday morning.  We had an incredible week with these two and the kiddos definitely loved getting in some Uncle E and Auntie Shannon time!

After dropping the kids off at their school, we headed to the Warsaw Uprising Museum.  The museum had incredible detail about WWII and the Warsaw Uprising to fight against the German control of the city.  We were slightly confused with the layout of the museum, but overall learned a lot.  
View as we were walking up.
The PW symbol is called Kotwica - check out more info here.

About 80% of Warsaw was destroyed during WWII.

On Tuesday morning, we headed off to Kraków for an adult only trip.  The kids excitedly stayed with Justyna, our babysitter, until Wednesday night.  We took the express train to Kraków, which took about 2.5 hours - plenty of times for a couple drinks!

Our shuttle driver, Conrad, picked us up from the train station and we headed straight to Auschwitz.  Both Andy and I went to Dachau, another concentration camp, while studying abroad in German in college, but we knew we had to visit Auschwitz once while we lived here.  Our tour guide did a great job sharing details with a lot of emotion behind her words.  

Auschwitz had three main camps (and over 40 satellite camps) - we visited Auschwitz I (the original camp) and Auschwitz II Birkenau.  It was an eye-opening experience.  I struggled to wrap my head around the number of people that died at these camps, their horrible experiences, and how it all could have happened.

Entering Auschwitz I

Auschwitz I had 28 blocks (where Auschwitz II Birkenau had over 300).

This map shows all of the locations where people were transported from via train.
Auschwitz is the red dot towards the center.

The cattle train car that transported the prisoners.
Diagram of a gas chamber at Auschwitz II Birkenau.
The soldiers would have the prisoners line up outside, nd then
undress in the first room by telling the that they were going to take a shower.

They were then sent into the gas chamber underground (above left),
 and then cremated immediately.  Up to 4,000 to 5,000 people were killed each day.

These cans of Zyklon B (a highly lethal cyanide-based pesticide)
were dropped down into the gas chambers, killing everyone within minutes.

It was interesting to hear how thought out the logistics were at Birkenau.
Most prisoners were told that they were relocating to Auschwitz, so they brought as many of their belongings
as they could carry.  When they got off the train, they had to leave their belongs, but were told to write their
name on their suitcase, in order to claim it later.  Little did they know that they were either being walked
directly to the gas chamber or to a prison block.

Pots and pans and dishes from all of the luggage left next to the train.

Shoes collected from those that were killed.

Sleeping quarters
Some had bunks to increase the population in each block.

We then toured Auschwitz II Birkenau.
The Germans had the railway in the middle of the camp to speed up the
exterminations and processing of the prisoners.
One of the cattle cars that transported the prisoners to Auschwitz.

When the Germans realized that they were going to lose,
they bombed the gas chambers to try to hide the evidence.
If you are ever in the area, I would highly recommend going to Auschwitz and getting a guided tour.  As a quote at the camp said, "The One Who Does Not Remember History Is Bound To Live Through It Again." - George Santayana

Now on to brighter times in Kraków. :)
Kraków Old Town

Our apartment for the night

Heading out for dinner!

We ate at No7 - food was okay - the quirky waiter made up for it!

The restaurant was underground.

Wednesday we walked the city and visited Wawel Castle.

Our welcome home committee!!!

B couldn't let go! 

New additions to my collection of Polish pottery!

Dinner at a traditional Polish restaurant - Papu.


Pork chop with potatoes and beets

Beef Knuckle

Snuggles with Uncle E

Friday we headed into Old Town...
...and forgot a jacket for Reese. Oops!

He sure had fun jumping and twisting on these stairs -
the simple things!

Hopefully this isn't a prediction of her future! 

These two!
And yes, that is a meat stick hanging out of Reese's mouth!

Face masks to end the trip!

two. We painted the kids' nails for the first time! They both LOVED it and have shown almost everyone we have seen since!
Drying our nails dance
We then completed the toes on Saturday!

Pure excitement!
three. We bought our first car in Poland, an Opel Zafira!!! We had to wait until we got our residence cards to be able to buy a vehicle - well, we could have bought a vehicle, but it was illegal to drive your owned vehicle before you had a residence card - silly law! 
Looks a lot like my Honda Odyssey -
just not as cool and doesn't have nearly the amount of amazing features!
It will do! 

Can you tell my excitement?!?

four. We had beautiful weather this weekend - both days in the 70s - and now that B can ride his bike without assistance, we enjoyed our first family bike ride of the season!

five. After naps on Saturday, we headed to a large park in Konstancin and visited the Konstancin Salt Graduation Tower.  It was built in the 1970s and sprays out mineral-rich water droplets in the air, which are regarded as having beneficial health effects similar to that of breaking in sea air.  It lasted about 5 minutes with the kids, and off we went back to the park's paths.

Beckett soaking it all in!

The kids also found it very interesting watching this
group get up on paddle boards.
six. Today we headed to the Ethnographic Museum, for a special Easter event.  Based on the description, there would be activities for the kids, food and some craft vendors.  We were also excited to check out the museum.  Well, there were no activities, LOTS of vendors, two whiny children and two spent parents.  We were in and out in under 30 minutes.  

Their level of excitement...

SO, we headed to the park across the street!

Such a fun week! Hope yours was just as wonderful! We are tagging along with Andy to Milan this coming week - please send lots of prayers and positive thoughts my way as I will have the kids, by myself, for two and a half days in a foreign city. :) 

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