Sunday, December 18, 2016

Sweet Six Sunday

Hello there! I thought I would try something new! Each week there are new adventures and/or fun events in our lives that I want to document, but don't warrant an entire blog post.  A lot of the blogs that I follow have a Fab 5 or a Fantastic 5 or a Fun 5 - all on Fridays.  For me, it is hard to find a moment on Fridays to blog, so I thought I would do a Sweet Six - fitting for both Saturday or Sunday! :)

So here we go with the first ever Sweet Six Sunday!

1. Cafe Nero Get Togethers

A large part of my time over the last couple of months is meeting some fabulous woman and getting to know them better! Cue coffee dates! When the kids are at school, us ladies get together for coffee, laughter and great conversation. This week, I had two get togethers and both happened to be at a cozy coffee shop, Cafe Nero. These coffee dates make me smile and fill my bucket!

2. Kids' Christmas Concert

On Tuesday, we had the kids' first Christmas concert with their school, ABC Montessori.  I usually pick up the kids at 1pm from school so that we can head home for naps.  On Tuesday, they skipped naps and rode with their friends from school to the concert.  Andy and I met at home and headed to the House of Culture early to get prime seats.  There is nothing as sweet as littles walking out on stage, all dressed up, finding their spot, spotting us in the crowd and waving to us! The festive program was 40 minutes long and included many holiday songs, small group singing that Beckett and Reese were both involved in, ballet dancing, a river dance number, a piano solo, and a TON of cute moments! Beckett was very focused on the words of the songs - moving those lips with intention! SO funny! Reese was distracted by a broken string on her bell for her class' song, but she wouldn't let it go when her teacher tried to swap it out.  Lastly, the ballet dancers were the final part of the concert and the little ballerinas were supposed to take glitter from their pouch and blow it at the audience for a sparkly finish.  Almost all of the girls tried to shake the glitter off their hands the second they touched it and then the rest of the kids couldn't stop playing in it afterwards! Those are the memorable moments of events like this! Ha!

Bless the teachers and kids that worked SO incredibly hard on this concert! The kids have been practicing their songs for the last two months.

The kids made us these invitations in class!

Reese mid-bite! She kept shoveling the gingerbread cookies into her mouth!

3. Blue City Mall, TK Maxx and Christmas crafting

I had a free morning on Wednesday, without kids, so I decided to head to TK Maxx to check out their selection and get some presents for our teachers.  There is no J sound in Polish, so I am assuming the name is TK Maxx so the Poles can say it.  My friend, Robin, asked to come along for the ride and so we trekked out to a mall about 40 minutes away.  Blue City Mall was extremely nice and after a little window shopping, we headed to TK Maxx.  I was in HEAVEN! It was just like a TJ Maxx from the US! The sizes were US sizes and the books were all in English - which is hard to find here! The below pics shows my purchases - yes, four FULL bags of goodies! I will be back!!!

These were my four bags - plump full of Christmas gifts!

Small Christmas craft from a fun find at TK Maxx!
No need for more ornaments, but I had an idea!
Cut these circles from a firewood log.

Drilled a hole in the center.
Finished product!

4. Christmas Pokeno

Robin hosted a festive Pokeno night on Thursday with 12 ladies! I walked away with this beauty! Such a fun night with lots of laughter!

Check out my prior post to learn more about Pokeno.

5. Old Town Lights

We planned to head down to Old Town Warsaw last weekend to see the Christmas lights, but the weekend was full of rain, so we headed down after work on Friday.  It was beautiful! There is something special about twinkly lights!

Ice skating set up in the main square - hopefully next year we will do this!

Hot cocoa that was rich and thick!

We found a Christmas market near Old Town - nothing compared to Vienna, but still fun to look!
We saw a Polish Santa - sometimes they wear a Bishop's hat.  Can you see the excitement in Reese's face!?!

The kiddos were excited to head back out to see the lights after dinner!

6. Visiting Santa

Saturday morning we headed off to a nearby mall to see Santa! We had NO idea what to expect nor did we know if he spoke English.  We got there right at 9:45, hoping to get right in at 10am.  Little did we know that he didn't arrive until noon. Ha! We founds ways to spend our time before seeing the big man!

The setup was SO different than the US.  Below is the little area that he sat in - no elaborate setup, no line control and no photography.  We sat at a table near the area around 11:30 in case a line formed, but no line ever formed and we were the first to see him.

Santa in Polish = Święty Mikołaj

Reese's first instinct when she saw Santa - HIDE!

Beckett was excited to sit with Santa and told him he wanted Star Wars!

The best we could get with Reese in there! Thanks Andy for helping!

I had to snap a pic as we were leaving - small group, no telling him what you want. Just snap a pic and go!

And that's a wrap on the first Sweet Six! It was a great week with a lot of events! 'Tis the season!

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