Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Wrap up to Halloween and B's birthday!

The celebrations for Beckett's birthday and Halloween have continued! What a fun last couple of weeks! Get ready for a TON of pics!

Beckett and Reese's school took a field trip to a pumpkin patch, that we visited earlier in the Fall. We love that their school gets them out and about in the community! This was Reese's first time on a field trip with their school and she was excited.  Beckett promised to protect her! Love!

Check out B & R! Love!

I am ALL about dressing my kids in festive shirts and outfits for the holidays!

As the American School of Warsaw was on Fall holiday/break this past week, and most families travel during this time, the Montessori celebrated on October 19th.  The kids celebrated during the day, and then the families trick or treated at a couple of houses near the school at night.  What an incredible experience - walking with the kiddos from house to house down Polish streets, singing songs at each house, with all of the kids' friends! So fun! Something we don't think would ever happen in the US due to liability.

During the day activities - Beckett dressed as a race car driver (costume way to short - ha!) and Reese as Skye from Paw Patrol.

Beckett LOVES to draw at school!

Kids' art projects!
Amazing pumpkin carving by a dad!
Night time activities - Beckett as Dusty's pilot (Disney Planes) and Reese as Anna. :)

Reese saying hi to her teacher, Ms. Iza!
Reese held Addison's hand the majority of the time! 

Addison, Molly & Beckett
Singing songs!
Great candy, but nothing like candy from the US! No temptations here!
Two cute videos of songs that the kids and teachers sang! The videos are pretty dark, but cute to listen to!

Many people have asked us if the kids will trick or treat in Poland on Halloween night.  We wondered the same thing! As I asked around, it sounded as if no one was really sure if neighbors would participate due to the Fall holiday/break and the amount of families that would be traveling.  The neighborhood crew was actually looking for a volunteer to pass out a flyer to our 250 homes, so we volunteered - great opportunity to step up and see the neighborhood!  The kiddos helped one night and I finished up the next day!

Pumpkin Carving fun! The kids lasted about 2 mins and were done! Too gross! Ha!

"I am not touching that stuff!"

The kids were pumped to go trick or treating - Beckett wore his costume all day! The best part of his costume - according to Beckett - was that he could tuck his sword into his belt! As you can see, he changed his costume once again - after watching a Jake and the Neverland Pirates Halloween episode, he wanted to be a pirate.  There are very few places here that carry Halloween costumes - such a change from the US - and I couldn't find anything other than a witch, skeleton or devil costume, so I got my craft on! Turned out pretty cute!

We actually met a family at a local coffee shop and the husband, Michal, got his MBA at Carlson! SMALL WORLD! We set up a play date for this past weekend and enjoyed getting to know their family - Michal, Karolina, Vicky (2) and Olivia (10 weeks).  We invited them to join in on the trick or treating fun in our neighborhood, so they came over last night as well! We usually trick or treated with our neighbors or cousins back in MN, so we loved having friends with us!

One of the houses had a photo booth!
Vicky and Reese - new friends!

For Beckett's birthday, we celebrated as a family on his actual birthday (see prior post) , but his birthday celebration at school was the following Monday, October 24.  We brought in homemade cupcakes and hired a magician to perform at the school! Beckett LOVED it! He was a little too shy to assist the magician, but as you can see in the pics, he looks to be having a great time!

We are extremely blessed with the community of friends that we have started to build here and our kids are loving their new experiences!


  1. What a fun time for all! Beckett is the most knit-worthy little guy I know. He looks as if he is busting out of his gray hat. Auntie Paula better get busy. They are both adorable in their costumes!

  2. Glad you are busy and having lots of fun. Thanks for all the pictures. Love you!

  3. HappY HalLowEen! Looks like you all really enjoyed this fun holiday!
