Friday, October 21, 2016

Where we live!

When Andy first emailed me about moving to Poland - yes, he sent me the news in an email - I had to pull up a map and figure out exactly where Poland is located.  Seriously! I knew the general location, but didn't know exactly where in Eastern Europe it was located.  Ha!

Fun facts about Poland:
  • The official name of Poland is the Republic of Poland.

  • Poland is the 9th largest country in Europe by land area.

  • Seven countries share a border with Poland including Russia, Lithuania, Belarus, Slovakia, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, and Germany.
  • Poland is home to over 38 million people (38,383,809) as of July 2013.
  • Warsaw is the largest city and capital of Poland.
  • Poland’s national symbol is the White Eagle.

We live in a south eastern suburb of Warsaw, called Bielawa - just outside of Konstantin.

And our neighborhood is located right next to the beautiful American School of Warsaw.  The neighborhood is affectionally referred to as the American School Compound.  Now when we first heard about the "Compound" as our potential future neighborhood,  we were a bit nervous and thought it sounded a little to cultish for us. But we were pleasantly surprised by how wonderful of an area it is! The technical name of our neighborhood is Konstancja.  

Konstancja is the entire area of houses just south of the American School of Warsaw.

There are five phases within our neighborhood - we are in phase two.  They are currently building phase five - see the image  below - the bottom left homes are currently being built.  I will definitely have house envy when they are done! 

Phase 5 addition
We live at Guadiego 11 in a beautiful home that backs up to the park! Besides the need to continue to purge to make our stuff fit, we LOVE it!

All of our streets are brick streets and they are absolutely stunning! Andy often talks about our street looking like a street straight out of Harry Potter when all the street lights are on at night, which he LOVES! HUGE Harry Potter fan!

Our street - Guadiego

Our neighborhood is gated and we have security at each entrance - not because Poland is unsafe, but more for a status symbol (I believe). 

Our neighborhood is a good mix of many different nationalities - including very wealthy Polish residents.  Most residents that live in our compound though are here with corporate relocations and rent their homes.  When we came to look for a house in June, we looked at about 10-11 homes and we could have easily lived in any of them - all had their pros and cons.  We actually liked another house a bit better, but now that we are here, we are so happy with our selection! 

Cheers to an amazing 3-5 years with this wonderful place as our home! 


  1. Looking forward to seeing it in person someday!

  2. Us too! It looks great online... in person would be even better ;)
